Aml yw 'mhechodau fel y sêr

(Trugaredd Faddeuol)
Aml yw mhechodau fel y sêr,
  Neu dywod glàn y môr;
Ond trugareddau'r Arglwydd Nêr,
  Sydd yn anfeidrol 'stôr.

Manasse, Magdalen a Saul, 
  Dderbyniwyd genyt Ti;
Mil mwy rhyfeddol, O fy Nuw,
  Oedd it' fy nerbyn i.

Am iti 'ngwared is y rhod,
  Ac achub f'enaid drud;
Uwch nag angelion canaf glod,
  Tra byddwyf yn y byd.
efallai gan   |   possibly by
John Bryan 1776-1856

[Mesur: MC 8686]

gwelir: Trysorau o drugaredd sydd

(Forgiving Mercy)
Manifold are my sins as the stars,
  Or the sand of the seashore;
But the mercies of the Sovereign Lord,
  Are an immeasurable store.

Manasseh, Magdalen and Saul,
  Were received by thee;
A thousand times more wonderful, O my God,
  Was for thee to receive me.

Since thou didst deliver me under the sky,
  And rescue my precious soul;
Louder than angels I shall sing praise,
  While ever I am in the world.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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